Summer Internship Program

Find out more about our Summer Internship Program.


Job Opportunities

Find out about employment opportunities with the Office of the Assessor-Recorder at the San Francisco Department of Human Resources Jobs Portal.   

​If there are no current job openings for the Assessor-Recorder you can sign up to be notified of future job openings by selecting “Notify me of jobs” under "Additional resources" on the Department of Human Resources Jobs Portal and entering “assessor” in the Keyword field.

The Office of the Assessor-Recorder believes in a diverse and inclusive workforce, welcomes qualified applicants of all backgrounds, and base our hiring on fair and open recruitment practices.


Bid Opportunities

The City and County of San Francisco uses competitive bidding procedures to select vendors and award contracts. Individuals or entities interested in working with the Office of the Assessor-Recorder should visit the SF City Partner Portal to search for open contracting opportunities with our office.


Viewing Open Bids

To view open contracting opportunities with our office, please follow these instructions:  

  1. Visit the SF City Partner Portal (
  2. Click on “View Opportunities” at the top of the page.
  3. Under “View Events and Place Bids,” select “Assessor” from the Department drop-down menu.
  4. Click on the Sourcing Event that you are interested in bidding on.
  5. On the Event Details page, you will see the full bid package including the Request for Proposals (RFP) document and any attachments, the due date for proposals, and other instructions for submitting your bid. Interested bidders should check the Event Details page regularly throughout the solicitation process as addenda, amendments, Questions & Answers documents, etc. may be posted at any time.



Becoming a City Supplier

Before submitting a bid, individuals or entities must become a Registered Bidder; before being awarded a contract, individuals or entities must become a fully compliant City Supplier. Please reference the Become a Supplier Guide on the SF City Partner Portal to complete these processes.


Other Resources